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МенеджерВакансия в АстанеThe Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

Описание вакансии
The staff will be hired on contractual basis for initial period of 1 (one) year and can be renewed.

1. Citizen of Kazakhstan.
2. Male or female, minimum 22 years old and maximum 40 years old on April 20, 2023.
3. Physically and mentally healthy, and free of narcotics and illegal drugs.
4. Not a student.
5. Never been dishonourably dismissed as an employee.
6. Able and willing to carry out official duties at any time outside of working days and hours.
7. Has no affiliation with any political party.
8. Responsible, honest, with integrity, able to work together in a team, and can maintain job confidentiality.
9. Willing to sign a contract for a period of 1 year with probationary period of 3 months.
10. Willing to take part in the entire process of recruitment.
11. Do not have a marital relationship, family relationship according to a straight line, relationship as a sibling, or marital relationship with Local Employees and Home Staff who are working at the Indonesian Embassy in Astana.

1. Having a minimum diploma of bachelor degree, preferably relevant to the proposed position.
2. Able to speak and write fluently and actively in Russian, Kazakh, and English. Having Indonesian language skills will be preferred.
3. Able to operate Microsoft Office programs and have adequate IT skills.
4. For candidates of economic staff:  Having general knowledge about Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan;  Having interest and knowledge in the field of economics;  Having a wide network, especially the business community;  Having good analytical skills in the field of economics. 5. For candidates of contractual staff of consular and secretary:  Having general knowledge about Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan;  Having an educational background in the field of International Relations/Law/other subject of Social Sciences or IT,  Having the skills of translating orally and in writing from English to Kazakh and Russian, and vice versa,  Having knowledge of the basic rules of employment and immigration of Kazakhstan.

Submit the following documents:
1. Application letter stating the desired position (e.g. Economic Staff or Consular-Secretary staff);
2. Curriculum Vitae/CV (by including e-mail and cell phone and WhatsApp numbers);
3. 1 copy of a valid ID/passport;
4. 1 copy of the last diploma;
5. 1 copy of academic transcript;
6. Certificate of Police Records (Criminal/police record);
7. Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS/Language Course Certificate) and/or proof of other Language proficiency;
8. Health certificate/capable of performing duties as LS (medical);
9. Drug-free certificate (medical);
10. Softcopy of colour photographs (at least 516Kb JPEG resolution);
11. 1 Letter of recommendation from previous workplace or university for fresh graduates;
12. Statement Letter of not having affiliation with any political party;
13. Statement Letter that if you pass the selection, you are willing to sign a work contract for 1 year with a probationary period of 3 months;
14. Copy of certificate of expertise/competence/other relevant achievements;
15. All scans/softcopies of the above files and application letters shall be sent to the Selection Committee via email: rekrutmen.nursultan@gmail.com, with the subject "Application for Technical Staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Astana", by February 24, 2023 at the latest;
16. If the documents written in languages other than Indonesian or English, please provide the Indonesian or English translation. If required, the Selection Committee will ask to show original documents.

1. Applicants who pass the administrative selection will be announced through the website and official social media of the Indonesian Embassy in Astana on Monday, 6 March, 2023.
2. Written Test for applicants who pass the administrative selection will be conducted on Thursday, March 9, 2023 at the Indonesian Embassy in Astana. The written test will be conducted in English, covering general knowledge on Indonesia-Kazakhstan/Tajikistan relations and foreign relations of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. Applicants who pass the written test selection will be announced through the website and official social media of the Indonesian Embassy in Astana on Friday, March 17, 2023.
4. The interview test for applicants who pass the written test will be held on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 – Thursday, March 23, 2023 at the Indonesian Embassy in Astana. Interviews will be conducted in English.
5. The psychological test will be carried out on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 – Thursday, March 30, 2023.
6. The Final Result of the selection will be announced through the website and social media of the Indonesian Embassy in Astana on the second week of April 2023.

1. The selection of Technical Staff conducted by the Indonesian Embassy in Astana is free of charge.
2. The Indonesian Embassy in Astana is not responsible for any party who offers and charge any facility with regard to the recruitment process on behalf of the Indonesian Embassy in Astana or the Selection Committee.
3. The Indonesian Embassy in Astana is not responsible for any costs incurred by participants related to the staff recruitment process at the Indonesian Embassy in Astana.
4. Official information related to the selection process will be announced at the Embassy’s website https://www.kemlu.go.id/nur-sultan and the official social media of the Indonesian Embassy in Astana: a. Facebook: Indonesian Embassy Nursultan b. Instagram: indonesiainnursultan
5. If any information and documents submitted by the selection participants are found to be incorrect, the Selection Committee reserves the right to cancel the result of the selection. 6. The decision of the Selection Committee of the Indonesian Embassy in Astana is final and cannot be contested.
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