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Head of Marketing Department 2 500 — 5 000 $Вакансия в АлматыInterexy

Описание вакансии
We, Interexy (ex. AMS = Aksamit Mobile Solutions), specialize in mobile application development for tech startups and established enterprises in the US and Western Europe. Our projects are not tied to one area, so there is an opportunity to work with cool products in Fintech, Game, Health, Social Media, etc.
Our team is actively growing and now we are looking for a Head of Marketing Department. We are looking for someone who understands promotional tools, can manage budgets, lead people, and collaborate with other departments. He will develop a strategy for 3-6-12 months.
Is that what you are? Then let's get acquainted...
What you'll need to do:
  • Hire and manage marketing department team, set tasks, and control in an effective manner;
  • Create, manage and improve lead generation campaigns, measure results and work directly with the company management;
  • Overall responsibility for brand management and corporate identity.
What is important to us:
  • 4+ years of online marketing experience;
  • 3+ years in Head of Marketing position in B2B IT company;
  • Proven track record of success in marketing and building a team;
  • Experience in increasing sales leads in the USA and Europe;
  • Ability to solve business problems with limited directions;
  • Experience with creating a strategic marketing planning for 3-6-12 months;
  • Strong analytical and project management skills.
What we offer:
From the 1st working day:
  • 12th month pay policy;
  • online/offline literature compensation;
  • B-day gifts;
  • corporate events;
  • financial assistance или можно заказать cash benefits или просто benefits for significant events in life.
After passing the probation period (+ benefits from the 1st working day):
  • medical insurance (including dental services);
  • 25 vacation days;
  • 3 days off;
  • corporate English;
  • compensation of educational courses online/offline;
  • sports compensation;
  • corporate gifts.
Опыт работы, занятость
полная занятость, удалённая работа
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Другие вакансии из поиска
Параметры поиска:
b2b sales manager×
обновлено 21 марта 2022 года
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обновлено 21 марта 2022 года
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