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Эльвира35 лет, Атырау, Специалист по вводу данных

за  350 тг
Давно не обновлялось
Соискатель давно не обновлял своё резюме, возможно, он прекратил активные поиски работы.
Специалист по вводу данных
100 000 KZT
Недвижимость, строительство, проектированиеТранспорт, логистикаАдминистративный персонал, секретариат
MS Word; MS Excel;MS Outlook; Internet ExplorerMS Power Point
полная занятость

Опыт работы

2 места за 2 года и 3 месяца
ISKER Consortium
август 2015 — март 2017
HR Assistant & Archivist
ü Full work in the mobilization department;
ü Receive a list of new candidates for an interview from the Recruiter department.
ü On the received list, call, explain and send a list of documents when hiring and be aware of the location of a new candidate.
ü First of all, check all the documents on the list when applying for a job.
ü If the candidate has collected all the documents, then he will be sent to the clinic for medical examination.
ü After passing the medical examination, explain in Kazakh and in Russian how to fill out personal sheets, that is, a personal file and all necessary forms, to help if necessary to fill in the personal leaf correctly.
ü After receiving the results of the medical examination, invest in the case of new employees.
ü After filling in, check the personal leaflets and all other forms of new candidates.
ü To familiarize new candidates with job descriptions and internal regulations of the company.
ü After a thorough check, enter a personal file of new employees into the database.
ü Receive and check all the necessary documents for new candidates and send them to the coordinator.
ü Work together with the Training departments and find out when TCO training and courses will be conducted.
ü Work together with the Transport Department.
ü Organize transport to new candidates for training and various TCO courses.
ü Send new candidates for training and different courses to be held in Tengiz.
ü Update and enter changes to the database of new employees after training.
ü Prepare an employment contract for new employees.
ü Prepare a schedule for shift work.
ü Inform and invite new employees to familiarize themselves with the employment contract.
ü To familiarize and explain with the employment contract.
ü To familiarize and explain with the schedule of work.
ü Check the employment contract after reading and signing.
ü To transfer to the assistant to the general director of the company for signing of the labor contract.
ü The labor contract signed by the director along with the schedule is transferred to the employee through a courier to Tengiz.
ü And the second employment contract, together with the schedule, is to invest new employees in the case.
ü Work together with the Department of Passes.
ü Send data to new employees to receive badges.
ü Organize transport to new employees.
ü Inform and send new employees to the watch.
ü Prepare and send the report to the HR Director.
ü Enter and update the data of new employees in the database.
ü Work together with the Department of Accountancy and send an account to the number of new employees.
ü It is safe to keep a personal record of the company's employees in the archive.
ü To enclose in a personal file different orders, notices, additional agreements.
ü Carries out work on the conduct of the archived business on an enterprise.
ü Organizes storage and provides safety of documents entering archive.
ü Accepts and registers acting on storage from structural subdivisions the documents followed by office work.
ü Participates in development of nomenclatures of businesses, validates forming and registration at their transmission in an archive.
ü In accordance with operating rules codes units of storage, systematizes and places businesses, their account conducts.
ü Prepares the summary inventories of units permanent and temporal expiration dates, and also acts for the transmission of documents on state storage, on writing and elimination of materials, expiration of that dates elapsed.
ü Conducts work on creation of certificate vehicle on documents, provides their comfortable and rapid search.
LLP "Cargo Trans Group"
август 2014 — апрель 2015
Transport Manager
ü Receiving and processing applications for freight from the company's employees;
ü Planning of traffic in view of the urgency and importance of applications received for transportation;
ü Control over the timely and correct implementation of transport drivers of the enterprise;
ü Organization of optimum loading of transport in order to reduce the cost of attracting hired transport.
ü Ordering the provision of transport services by third parties (carriers);
ü Identify the cost of transportation;
ü Inform the carrier about the necessary conditions, terms, rules of delivery;
ü Personal data transfer on the ground loading and unloading drivers hired vehicles;
ü Control over the timely and correct implementation of transport services by the carrier;
ü Control over timely and correct implementation of transport services by the carrier;
ü Tracking meet the transport company (carrier) amounts payable to the agreed rate and the quality of the services;
ü Informing employees about the cost of transporting goods by the carrier;
ü Control over timely payment services of carriers now;
ü Provide information about the need to invoicing customers for transport services rendered to employees responsible for processing invoices;


Высшее, Бакалавр
Atyrau State University
Высшее, Бакалавр
Foreign language
Bachelor in Translation studies
2007 — 2011

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Qualification certificate for verification of knowledge in the field of fire safety in the volume of fire-technical minimum
ISKER Consortium
Qualification certificate for checking knowledge, rules and instructions for work safety
Agip KCO
Certificate of completion English Course
Dostyk LLP
Certificate of completion Computer Course
Driving license category «B»
LLP "Barys"
Казахский родной
Русский свободно владею
Английский свободно владею
Турецкий начальный уровень
Гражданство: Kazakhstan
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