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Арман53 года, Алматы, Professional freelance translator, technical writer

за  350 тг
Давно не обновлялось
Соискатель давно не обновлял своё резюме, возможно, он прекратил активные поиски работы.
Professional freelance translator, technical writer
300 000 KZT
Переводы различной тематикиКачествоСвоевременность
полная занятость
Профессиональные навыки
Reliable and efficient with 20 + years in professional translation services, including 3 years of copywriting and technical writing skills to support and contribute to the projects' activities.

Опыт работы

8 мест за 24 года и 11 месяцев
Swiss Orient Kazakhstan и другие компании
февраль 2015 — по настоящее время, Алматы
Professional freelance translator/Technical writer
Professional translation services for mining and other companies: Through accurate reproduction of meaning close to source language, clients achieve its goals based on proper understanding of translated technical documentation, contracts, agreements, tender terms and conditions, articles. Contributing to the B2B and B2C translations:
Increased translation of products on a monthly basis to achieve planned sales
Increased number of targeted audience through proper representing our activities.
Witteveen+Bos Kazakhstan
январь 2009 — февраль 2015, Almaty
Senior translator
Applied the best practices for professional translations to achieve successful outcomes: Awarding contracts, continuing and completing successfully projects Successful communication between our Company and clients and other parties Successful resolution of issues between our Company and contractors.
Big Sky Energy Kazakhstan
октябрь 2006 — январь 2008, Almaty
Technical Translator
Supported the Technical Department with various translations: tender documentation, contracts, agreements, correspondence, financial audit, seismic survey, drilling, wells workover, geology, HSE and press releases: Successful achievement of all objectives relating to drilling and production activities
Contributed to Legal Department with translating legal documentation, coordinating submission of financial and technical documentation between our Company and auditors: Successful follow up and submission of documentation procedures to government authorities.
Bateman Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Company
июль 2004 — сентябрь 2006, Almaty
Technical Clerk
Short-term Project: Kashagan field development, Power Generation Plant Project: Successful achievement of objectives within frame of the Engineering Department Through professional translation/interpretation, coordination of engineering documentation control and circulation between the Company and KNEP Research Institute.
LUKOIL Overseas Holding Ltd
август 2003 — январь 2004, Astana
Provided translation services for the Branch for production and drilling operations at the Kumkol field:
Supported to the Technical personnel with technical translation: timely completion of all planned documentation Efficient communication between the Branch, governmental bodies and field-operating companies contributed to the progress of drilling and production activities.
NOC Kazakhoil/KazMunaiGaz
март 1999 — август 2003, Astana
Project translator
Contributed to achieve Seismic Survey Project’s objectives through efficient translation/interpretation within Operating Body that resulted in:
Meeting the deadlines of various Project programs Proper understanding and communication between Project manager, personnel and contractors, National Company management and its representatives, government bodies to complete the phases of seismic program Successful completion of the Project.
KuatAmlonMunai JV
март 1999 — август 2003, Kyzylorda
Field translator
Provided translation and interpretation services to support the field drilling, wells workover operations:
Our crew could complete certain planned works before each rotation Through efficient communication between local and American technical personnel, contractors and authorities, our team achieved all objectives of current operations.
Caspian Sea Consortium
апрель 1997 — март 1999, Almaty
PR Assistant Manager/Translator
Provided professional Public Relation services to achieve the Consortium’s goals
Contributed to the activities of the Consortium Public Relation Department to result in successful completion of all programs and achievement of all objectives set by the Consortium through:
Timely drafting and submitting to the Consortium companies of media monitoring reports Professional organizing and successful outcomes of public hearings Establishing contacts and organizing meetings with government bodies and other companies Arranging of oil & gas exhibitions Meetings with journalists, organizing round table talks
Supported arrangements for oil & gas exhibitions, meetings with journalists, round table talks.


Высшее, Бакалавр
State University of International Relations and World Languages
Высшее, Бакалавр
Teacher of English language
1995 — 1999
Kazakh National Technical State University
Высшее, Бакалавр
Oil and gas fields’ development
Petroleum engineer
2002 — 2005

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Professional Technical Writing online
Carleton University, Canada
Business Writing I, II
Carleton University, Canada
Казахский родной
Русский свободно владею
Английский свободно владею
Немецкий начальный уровень
Гражданство: Казахстан
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